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research sources

How to find reliable academic sources for your research paper on the Internet

Do you seriously need reliable sources on the internet where you can easily and credibly locate all of your research papers on any related subject/topic? Then this article will help you in that direction! More and more students are turning to the Internet when doing research for their projects, and more and more instructors are requiring such research when setting topics. Though, research online is very dissimilar from traditional research, the differences can cause issues. The internet is a tremendous resource point but must be used sensibly and censoriously.

Using Wikipedia as a source

Everyone, including us, told you not to use Wikipedia as your quoted source. There are several reasons for this – since it is created by many people, it’s rendered unscientific; since it’s already a summarized and paraphrased text, it’s difficult to make it any more concise; also, some contributors to Wikipedia deliberately include facts that are false, inaccurate or not objective enough and it takes time for the editors to find and correct them. However, all of the above doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t read Wikipedia articles at all.

Learn how to research effectively

Whether you are writing professionally or forcibly for schoolwork, you need to learn how to research effectively. The contents of your article heavily depend on the data you will gather if you want your readers to stop raising their eyebrows when they read your stuff. The key to getting to the meat of things when you want to write a report about something is to know what you need to look for. Convert your chosen topic into a question so that you end up with a very specific focus as a main idea or topic. List down or mentally come up with a list of keywords that are related to your topic.

How to Write a Current Events Essay

A current event essay will address the historical context and long term effects of a given aspect of current happenings in the world. Usually, such a topic will stem from the realm of politics, law, international relations, or some other controversial issue. For instance, The United States presidential election of 2008. More often than not you will have to argue or present some sort of point about the given current event. This will require research and critical thinking skills. A current events essay provides the unique challenge of presenting a modern-day issue in the context of history. If, again, your topic is the U.S. Presidential election 08, you should be able to provide good analysis of possible outcomes of the election and its long-term effects over the social, political, and economical situation in the United States and the rest of the world.