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Order completely original, custom written academic paper or essay from experts. Our prices start from $12.8 per page

It happens to all of us. Sometimes our plate is full, and we need to look for help with our tasks. There is no shame in getting help, and this is the point of this article - we argue that it’s ok to look for help. Very often, it’s the only right thing to do. Some people beat themselves up while ordering academic help because they believe that only lazy or stupid students don’t write their own college papers. Let me tell you that’s not true. And why do I know it? Because over the years of working with clients all over the world, we have seen all of them, and here we present some of the reasons our clients have to order custom writing service. 

1. No time. 

Would you believe me if I told you that this is reason number one we are getting academic writing orders? A few months ago we got an order on psychology from a guy who works as a counselor (we’ve changed his profession a bit for the sake of privacy), but he would not have time to complete his paper for the uni because he’s got an urgent operation. Without us, he would have to redo the entire course one more time, because his stay in the hospital wouldn’t allow him to do all the necessary in-depth research on his topic. There was a client who ordered from us because she was getting married soon but wanted to finish her semester well, so she needed our support for a couple of papers. There is a client who works as a student counselor but orders from us periodically because she pursues a post-graduate education, and also has three kids to take care of, so she knows in the case of force major, she can rely on her favorite writer who was working with her for a couple of years. There are hundreds and hundreds of stories like this. Some people just have sudden urgent business to attend to, some people are chronically busy and have learned to manage their priorities to attain all their goals. We are there to cover their back in the time of need.

2. Need to prioritize life/work/study tasks.

No, it’s not only the lazy people who do not study like crazy to get all straight As. Some of the smartest, most creative and most successful people in the world have either been very bad in college or did not even finish it (we have written about it in our last article). And it’s not because they were lazy or hopeless, it’s because they knew what they wanted. 

The current educational system raises us up to be conformist, to do what our teacher tells us and try to follow all the instructions, whether we like it or not. This is a way to educate a robot, not a creator. Smart people have figured out that out of conformity, little creativity can be born. Success requires someone who draws outside the lines, someone who does not repeat what hundreds of other people have done before him, someone who does not care about formalities like grades or even college degrees. Success requires people who know what they want and who are ready to take personal responsibility for their own education - devote time to the matters they need, and ignore filler subjects. 

But you know you will get a lot of headache from your college or your parents if you fail entirely those filler subjects you have no interest in. A very nice compromise would be to have somebody with proper experience and knowledge do the tasks for those subjects, so they do not give you a headache. Personal Writer can take care of research papers, essays, and reports that you don’t have time or commitment to do yourself. Prioritizing is an essential skill to learn, and by prioritizing your subjects, you are learning this skill right in your school. Ability to delegate responsibility and outsource tasks is what differentiates a businessman from an entrepreneur: an entrepreneur does every little piece of work himself because he did not learn to outsource and build a viable process that would benefit both his business and personal life. We are your practice in outsourcing. Try us, and you will like this feeling. 

3. Vague knowledge on the subject. 

It sometimes happens that you changed schools or missed a part of a school year because of a disease or whatever other reason. You know you need to catch up on many subjects, and some of them are harder than others. When you are given a task to write a research paper on a topic you have no idea about, you can either try to wing it or delegate it to us. While we take care of the writing process, you can use this time to catch up on reading or other assignments for your course. Sometimes asking for a knowledgeable help is a better solution than getting a few low grades because of your temporary knowledge gap. 

4. Language difficulties. 

Yes, we have a lot of students for whom English is not their native language. They come to the US, UK or Australia to study because they are genuinely interested in their topic, but they still lack the language to get good grades on written assignments. We support such students because we understand that written assignments are formalistic ways to evaluate one’s knowledge and commitment, and at times it may not reflect a person’s involvement because of a mere language barrier. If you are a foreign student, you can order both research and writing services from us, but many students choose more involved ways of cooperation. Many send us study materials and actively discuss with the writer what they want to see in their paper. Many send their ideas, conclusions, and drafts. Sometimes we do collaborative research, in which a client makes part of the research, sends it in, then our writer fills in the gaps, and sends it back to the client. The same goes for writing. We can handle the collaborative writing of this kind because it helps you to “own” your paper. Even if you did not write it entirely, you participated in the research and every stage of the writing process, you made sure that the final paper includes everything that you wanted there. You can also send the draft to your tutor for feedback and get back to us with her comments. Or you can write everything yourself and have us edit and proof-read the paper to make sure that the structure, grammar, spelling, and punctuation is right. You choose your level of involvement, and as you work with us, you start gaining confidence in your own language skills. One day you will be ready to fly on your own. 

It can be a very desperate moment when you know you need to do all these tasks, but you just physically cannot do them all by the deadline, and there is nobody to turn for help. You know this feeling of panic. I know it too, I guess everyone has been there. But there’s no need for fear because your personal writer can handle some of your research writing stuff while you figure out the rest. We are a small team of lifetime learners who just love to learn, analyze, and write. Try our service one time and give yourself a break.


Our Services



Our academic writers are experts in their fields and have years of custom writing experience. We don't plagiarize.


We are so confident in the quality of our product that we offer you money back if the paper does not meet quality standards.


All our financial transactions are handled through Paypal, ensuring security of your financial information. We guarantee complete confidentiality of your interaction with us and we never reuse your papers.


Our customer support representatives are always ready to help you with any inquiries or requests you might have. You always stay in touch with your writer, too.

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