We really are a culture of TV addiction, but it's more than an addiction. TV has been integrated into our daily dose of necessary social activity. If we went without TV for too long, it would unravel our social fabric. So the question is how to write during commercial breaks.
Taking the time in the library to sort through those musty books is a health hazard, perhaps much worse than sitting on our butts in front of the boob tube, munching down greasy chips. Besides, we all know that people are going to continue to graze in front of their TV's, no matter how bad we say it is for their health. So let's find a way to complete our college papers during the commercial breaks.
When you start your paper you will need to brainstorm. Use the TV to help. Watch for things or actions or events that could trigger ideas that are related to your topic and jot them down. When the next commercial comes on you can begin organizing these ideas into groups that are related in some way. That should take you through to the show again.
At the next commercial take those groups and write the ideas into sentences and arrange the groups of sentences into paragraphs. You might have to stretch this one across a couple or three commercials.
Now you will want to mute the commercial while you make the paragraphs flow together. You may have to make a new sentence at the end of each paragraph to link it to the next.
When the next commercial interferes you work another draft of your paper. With each commercial, you can perfect your paper with yet another draft, until you have it as perfect as it is ever going to be. You've done it all while sitting on the couch, watching your favorite TV program.
If you are having problems with academic paper writing, we are here to help. Our expert writers will research, write or edit your college papers and consult you one very step of the writing process.