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Academic Writing

Informal Essay Writing is All About Your Creativity

This type of essay is pure creative writing. While it can take on elements of persuasion or argument, it is really a very informal way for you to get thoughts down on paper. This does not mean that it does not serve a function or prove a point, but most often it will include plenty of humor and a good deal of your observations of the world.

Proposal Essay Writing: Convince Your Reader

The idea behind a proposal essay is that the author is attempting to convince the reader that a product or set of ideas is the best way to achieve the given ends. For example, you might compose a proposal essay that will try to convince your reader that a certain type of printer is the best for your given office set up. The more organized a proposal essay is, the better off it will be for you. Usually a proposal essay will analyze the need for the proposal in the first place, as well as suggest a solution that will be backed up by data and logical writing.

Narrative Essay Writing: Express Personal Thoughts but Keep It to the Point

A narrative essay allows, in more ways than any other essay does, you to express personal thoughts and deep revelations. It also allows an author to share memories and other experiences, whether they are humorous, informative or teach a moral lesson. Most narrative essays take the form of a story and are most often told from the point of view of the author. But more than simply tell a story, a narrative essay also tries to prove a point, even through it could be something simple. The story serves as evidence for the point.

Observation Essay Writing: Reflect, Don't Analyze

An observation essay is usually written after the writer has observed the given circumstance or situation. The actual “observation” part of the essay could be anything from watch how a squirrel acts around people to notice how people act on an elevator to a principal observing how a teacher teaches. But in any case, your job as of a writer of an observation essay is to relate their experience and their findings to your reader.

Response Essay Writing: What are Your Thoughts?

A response essay focuses on your response to a given topic. This is usually begun by focusing on how the author thinks about the given material. Your response could be based in research as well as based in the personal thoughts and opinions of you. Some possible, and common, topics for a response essay include literary works and works of art. Your job is to breakdown various elements in order to examine important aspects of the given topic.

Literary Essay Writing: Break Down and Analyze

The basic idea behind a literary essay is the breaking down and analyzing of a literary work. It is important for you to look critically at the work that has been chosen (or provided) and take a position that can be supported with evidence in the text. A literary essay is not a book report and often plot is only used to begin the essay or to quickly explicate a point. Focus on other elements like theme and personification. A literary essay is about giving and defending your opinion about something that was read.

Term paper: A Very Large Research Paper

A term paper is essentially a very large research paper that includes a wide variety of sources and is usually the culminating work of a class in an institution of higher education. It could even be something as large as a senior thesis in order to graduate from a university. With a task this large, it is absolutely essential that you begin planning well in advance.

How to Write a Feedback Essay

The purpose of a feedback essay is to let a person know how well they did something. This could be written in response to another essay, to a performance, or to an interview. Basically, a feedback essay is a way for the writer to criticize how well a person has done something. This will often include both strengths and weaknesses of whatever is being evaluated.