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Creative Essay

What is a Creative Essay?

Writing a creative essay can be one of the most rewarding writing exercises because the writer is often in control of the structure and approach of the writing. This can also be very intimidating to the beginning writer. Typical academic writing usually attempts to prove some sort of point through debate and evidence; and while a creative essay might do the same, it is likely not in the traditional manner of academic writing.

How to find reliable academic sources for your research paper on the Internet

Do you seriously need reliable sources on the internet where you can easily and credibly locate all of your research papers on any related subject/topic? Then this article will help you in that direction! More and more students are turning to the Internet when doing research for their projects, and more and more instructors are requiring such research when setting topics. Though, research online is very dissimilar from traditional research, the differences can cause issues. The internet is a tremendous resource point but must be used sensibly and censoriously.

How To Write During Commercial Breaks

We really are a culture of TV addiction, but it's more than an addiction. TV has been integrated into our daily dose of necessary social activity. If we went without TV for too long, it would unravel our social fabric. So the question is how to write during commercial breaks.

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